Sunday, March 8, 2015

Social Media Use Is Soaring Questions

1. While I was not aware of the specific statistics of usage in terms of PCs vs. phones, I feel like it should be the other way around. I've seen more active usage of social media on phones and other mobile devices rather than PCs, unless it's taking into account any inactive tabs with social media open. Another stat I have learned is the amount of social media usage in restrooms. I do usually have my phone near me when showering in the event I get a text or phone call, but to know that that many people have a dependence on social media while in the bathroom is…interesting, to say the least. Finally, and the statistic that gave me the most shock, was that 76% of people feel more positive after looking at social media. I would think there is still a good amount of people who look at their social media accounts and get depressed. For example, I've seen people get upset from their social media after getting jealous seeing someone they know get into a relationship, or getting sad at a friend's death in the family.

2. I've learned that even though I knew social media took out a huge portion of people's lives nowadays, it seems like it is going to have a complete takeover one of these days. It seems as a society, we are becoming more and more dependent on our social media daily for entertainment and informational purposes. Soon enough, anything and everything will be involved with social media if it isn't already. TV shows use social media to create and analyze its audiences and their reactions to the show, and social media creates a sort of interactive chatroom for people to talk about a show, product, etc.

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