Sunday, April 5, 2015


1.  How does podcasting fit into the organizational communication in business, non-profit, and academic contexts?

Organizations in the worlds of business, non-profits, and academia can use podcasts in order to extend their message to their audiences. This does not mean necessarily advertising products or services, however. What this means is that the podcast caters to the audience and covers topics the target audiences want to hear.

2.  Why does the speaker say that podcasting extends message?

Podcasting extends the message because there is a voice and/or image that can go hand-in-hand with the message. Podcasts often provide insight on subjects from various angles that can make the listener intrigued and entertains, making them willing to continue to listen.

3. How does podcasting encourage participation culture according to the speaker?

Podcasting encourages participation culture in that one of the big tips given was to cater to the audience. The speaker made mention of Whirlpool, and said they do not do a podcast based on how to wash clothes or advertising their products, but rather issues people would have about their product (ex: washer breaks down). In addition, iTunes and RSS feeds can give an idea of just how many people are downloading and/or listening to the podcast. Finally, participatory culture allows for listeners to call in and talk with the host or guest about the subject at hand or to leave feedback about the show and how it can improve.

4. What are the three critical elements of development for a successfully media when the speaker talks about email, blogging, and online ad? Why does podcasting have the three elements?

The three big elements or tips that the speaker gives are: to mention sponsors in a way that they don’t annoy the listener, to cater the show to the audience and not the product you are trying to sell, and to keep producing episodes. The speaker gave statistical information on how listeners to radio will get so annoyed at the advertisements that come with the programming that they will turn the radio off. He made mention at the end of one podcaster that did it right by placing the ad about 3/4s into the program — the audience would be less annoyed because they already have been entertained by the program and know more is coming. For the latter two, the speaker made mention of Starbucks’ attempt at a podcast. The podcast had negative reception for its episode, followed by two great episodes, and then it was stopped. The speaker says you need to get the podcast right on the first episode to be successful, and then you need to keep up the momentum of good episodes by continuing to follow-up with newer episodes.

5. How does the concept of digital media convergence get applied in podcasting when the speaker discusses the compounding media?

As mentioned before, media convergence can be found with the participatory culture involved with podcasts. On the digital level, however, there are video podcasts, which can give both a voice and a face to a message at hand. However, the speaker mentions that it’s just as easy to listen to and/or download a podcast, as it is to tune in to a local radio station. The speaker says that the day when car radios can have Internet access there can be a way to get access to podcasts from there.

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